Storm Summer Camp Information

We’re so excited to get camp off and running Tuesday. As a reminder,  here’s our camp information:

Week 1- Tuesday August 8- Friday August 11    Week 2- Monday August 14- Friday August 18

U9- 8-3.   U11 9-4.  U13 12:15-5:15.  U15 1:30-6:30

Weekend 1 Saturday August 12 and Sunday August 13

U15/18 Goal Scoring 8:15-10:45

U15/18 Checking 10:30-1

U15/18 DMan 1-3:30

Weekend 2 Saturday August 19 and Sunday August 20

U11/13 Goal Scoring 8:15-10:45

U11/13 Dman   8:30-11:15

U9/11 Female 11:15-1:45

U13/15 Female 11:45-2:15

*Please use the Hockey Doors/After Hours Doors at Bonnetts Energy Centre.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Nicole at 780-897-1747 or